četvrtak, 22. prosinca 2011.

4/1 Cultivation and propagation of the plant Ginkgo biloba

 Good planting Ginkgo tree in landscape.


The greatest friend in the propagation of Ginkgo has undoubtedly been an still is the wind that blows pollen from the male tree for miles until the semen reaches a mature female egg. Just like in humans. However Ginkgo may be by human intervention replicated in many other ways.

Often asked question in Ginkgo's youth is: which gender is it? By certainty we can not know that foe almost 30 years. As if the plant deliberately wants to keep his long formulated secret. 

When the Ginkgo plant flourish and it happens in early spring when it gets his leaves, flowers are also characteristic in appearance. Some might think what kind of flower has no taste or smell? Ginkgo's flower as well as the leaf refuses insects and still looks marvelous. When flowers turn into the non smelly fruit then cleaned and dried seed becomes a real treat and a cure at the same time just as the whole leaf mass in autumn period. This is exactly the reason that Ginkgo is increasingly grown for the purpose of exploitation of the leaf from which medical Ginkgo's extract is being made. During the evolution Ginkgo's genetic codes have developed in a way that he must survive at any cost in any conditions and on any ground so growing Ginkgo is relatively undemanding. He quickly adapt to almost any climate and can handle very low and very high temperatures, plenty of sunshine, but also a lot of cold, may be long without the water etc.

Quality Tree & Not Quality Tree.
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