četvrtak, 22. prosinca 2011.

• Nature's Miracle Ginkgo biloba Vol 2


    As a logical extension to a general description of the Ginkgo biloba species undoubtedly is a description i.e.  introduction of cultivars and bonsai forms of this species. As a logical follow-up  on general description of the Ginkgo biloba plant as a species and its cultivars just getting to know the plant (its morphological characteristics, prevalence, etc) is nothing but general getting to know Ginkgo from all aspects, I have decided to connect two parts in one, but jet divide them in some manner, too. And this is precise reason why this book consits from two volumes: Vol 1 and Vol 2.

    Some years ago when I first started collecting data about cultivars and bonsai forms I have found a large number of confusing and superffical datas distributed in numerous digital and print form. On modern media's, such as Internet datas are informative and very superfficial while print datas are quite rare. So on various ways I contacted manufactuers (growers/gardners) of Ginkgo's bonsai and cultivars. In such way I've collected many necceseary informations about cultivars.

    Up to now all literature guess about number of Ginkgo's cultivars and forms – grown or identified. And there allways number „hundred“ showed up. But while sorting data I have established that this number is around 250 and most of them can be identified.

    Through Ginkgo's cultivar and bonsai rewiew one unity is rounded, but there are room to say quite a lot more about all of them.

    Still I hope this will be good basic for further research and knowing of Ginkgo as a species and his cultivars and bonsai forms.

Branko M. Begović Bego
(October, 2011)

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